Thursday 16 August 2018

Cord Blood Holds Potential for Revolutionary Cerebral Palsy Treatment


Each year, July marks Cord Blood Awareness Month, raising awareness about the potential
for a treatment that could provide new hope for relief to people with cerebral palsy.
Umbilical cord blood and tissue contain stem cells, one of the most revolutionary areas of
medical research with the potential to transform treatment for dozens of diseases.
Cerebral palsy is only one among many medical concerns that could show the potential of
serious improvement through cord blood therapy.

Cord Blood Banking For the Future

In fact, clinical trials are underway to examine the use of cord blood in treating a number of
conditions, including cerebral palsy, diabetes, acquired hearing loss and traumatic brain
injury. By banking the blood in your child's umbilical cord and the related tissue, you could
have the ability to make use of these potentially life-changing cells for your child's
medical care. The July awareness month reminds us all that choosing a private cord blood
bank can be an important step toward protecting your child's health. 

Opting to bank cord blood and tissue can be particularly important for mixed-race and
minority children, as it can be more difficult to find the right match if such therapies become
necessary. By using your own cells for treatment, you can often improve the chances of a
successful outcome. 
Innovative Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is the most common childhood disability. Often acquired at birth, it affects
almost one out of every 300 American children. In many cases, cerebral palsy is not a mere
accident of fate, but is caused by medical negligence and doctor errors. While these
mistakes are generally not deliberate, the results can be painful and costly. In many cases,
they could have been avoided through proper care and treatment during birth. 
The families of babies and children with cerebral palsy are often looking for innovative
treatments that can provide relief, support or even a cure for their children. The costs of
these treatments can mount, and many parents pursue legal action with the aid of a 
cerebral palsy lawyer to secure the funds to cover ongoing medical costs, accommodations,
educational fees and therapeutic bills. One of the innovative treatments that provides new
hope to many families is the potential of stem cells from cord blood. 

Cord Blood for Cerebral Palsy

Several studies have involved treating children with cerebral palsy by using their own cord
blood stem cells, like those that parents can bank for the future. Children who received
higher amounts of cord blood showed strong indications of mobility improvement over
those who received placebos or low doses, indicating a strong potential for further
development in this area of medicine. The lead researcher in one study noted that it
marked the first demonstration of a treatment that created long-lasting improvements in
children's mobility. Parents of one child who participated in the study said that their son
was now more active and confident, with extra stamina and endurance that provided great
improvement in his daily life at school. 

Families who choose to bank their cord blood may have plenty of opportunities to explore
this innovative treatment in the future. There are dozens of clinical trials exploring the
potential for life-changing cerebral palsy treatment with cord blood and stem cells. These
emerging treatments are on the forefront of scientific discovery, highlighting the potential
of vast improvement for the lives of children and adults with cerebral palsy.

Then again life starts with living small moments and ends when you stop caring for the ones
around you. Live life, stay healthy, share love and make world a better place everyday.

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